Sunday, November 01, 2009

Soccer Saturday

Another beautiful Saturday morning for soccer games. Kelly's team was back on the big field at St. Mary's, dominating the game but unable to finish, winning 1-0 on a penalty kick.

Michael's team played well again. Michael scored a great breakaway goal that had a couple of dads from the other team marveling at his speed and skill in the game. I'll admit to being pleased hearing that, especially since it was not entirely clear that Michael was going to enjoy playing soccer this year. Leading his team in goals has changed his attitude considerably.

This is what it looks like when the whistle has blown to end Spain's first winning game:

Sure, they're not supposed to keep score or tabulate wins and losses. But the boys know. This joy proves that there is value in honest, natural competition.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

I love that last photo. I was there to see it "live", but seeing it captured in that moment is pretty neat.