Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Savinging Us All From The Tyranny Of Hyphenation

The AP Stylebook has announced that henceforth it will refer to electronic messages as "emails," not "e-mails." This comes on the heels of the Chicago Manual of Style excising the second space after a period at the end of a sentence, saving typists everywhere entire milliseconds over the course of their lifetimes.

In a tight economy, any savings is good savings. The thought of the energy saved by eliminating those pixel-hog hyphens makes me giddy.


Unknown said...

I actually support the change to one space after a period. Two spaces were from the era of monospaced typewriters. I've grown to nearly gag when I see people still use two spaces.

Cheryl said...

Another advantage to the change is that on an iPhone, any removal of having to switch over the other keyboard is welcome.