Wednesday, March 16, 2005

You Read It Here First

You recall that witty little post below about the new Mercedes and the remarkable aural similarity between its model name and a certain libido-enabling pharmaceutical? Your humble scribe was not the only one to pick up on the connection.

In today's L.A. Times, Dan Neil (that's Car and Driver contributor and Pulitzer Prize-winning Dan Neil, mind you) derives the thematic metaphor for his entire review of the car from this link. The first three paragraphs concern the effort of carmakers to come up with names that will provide the desired market presence, and the liguistic pitfalls that occasionally result. Mr. Neil didn't draw all of the comparisons between the car and the pill (or rather, their owners) that I did, but he did observe, "the Mercedes-Benz CLS500 will forever be known as the "Cialis" 500 — which sounds like a NASCAR event and, come to think of it, probably is."

Well done, Dan. Feel free to call me anytime for more story ideas.

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