Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Have Felt Tip, Will Scribble

Having spent a fair amount of time exiting local hardware stores during my time off over the holidays, I was again confronted with one of the most profound questions of our day:

What do those people who stand at the door with a felt tip marker accomplish? They don't check my receipt against the items in my bag, not really, so it doesn't seem to be a theft prevention scheme. They don't affix an official stamp to the receipt; if the mark is anything more elaborate than a short, straight line it is cause for concern. Will I be denied the right of return if I don't get the mark? Should I be worried if the person at the door doesn't get to me, or isn't there? If I brought my own marker and made my own mark to save them the time, would they get upset?

These things take actual minutes out of my sleep. I deserve an answer.

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