Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Escrow closed yesterday, right on time, with no complications. We are now quite literally living here on borrowed time. Disconcerting.


Unknown said...

And yet somewhat liberating, isn't it? You're free. If something drastic happened and you had to move again, there would be no home sale ordeal. We lived in an apartment for 6 months last year between homes and I didn't mind it a bit. Our rent was much lower than the mortgage payment, and the utilities for our 1 bedroom apartment were pretty cheap. (We could clean it in about 15 minutes, which was fantastic.)

With our equity in the bank, it was nice to know we could move on a purchase decision quickly. So, while disconcerting, enjoy the freedom that "homelessness" comes with, too.

Dave said...

The funds showed up in the bank today. That does indeed take a little of the sting out of renting.