Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Inevitability of the Useful Lifespan

It is axiomatic that appliances will blow a fuse or spring a leak the day after their warranties expire. A little known codicil to this truism (or at least one that was not known to me) is that the moving gods will punish the affront of a homebuyer discarding appliances that came with the house by causing the buyer's own appliances to spew their guts within a month of moving in.

We asked for the existing washer (relatively new, front loading) and dryer (older, but gas heated) to be removed in conjunction with the sale of our new house. The seller did not remove them, so we had to go to the extra effort of having them hauled away after we moved in to make room for our 12 year old matching washer and dryer set. Maybe we should have taken their stubborn determination to remain in the house as a sign.

Just before soccer games began this morning, our washer decided it no longer wanted to keep its water to itself. It wasn't an inlet or drain hose problem; the main tub overflow blew a seal of some kind, flooding the laundry room and adjacent bathroom.

It will be a busy week upcoming. Our friendly neighborhood Sears delivery man will be bringing a replacement washer tomorrow. A pantry will be coming sometime this week. Living room shutters will finally arrive on Wednesday. A breakfast table will be here Thursday. The guest room closet organizer was installed on Friday. In the span of about a week, most of the final pieces of the basic move-in improvements will be done. The broken washer was just the unexpected cherry on top.


Meg said...

Wow. I guess it's time to let you know that you were adopted. You obviously can't be a member of our family if you got rid of ANYTHING that is/was/could someday be useful. You've seen our basement, right? 'Nuff said.

Hope the week goes smoothly and there are no more surprises!

Anonymous said...

"A little known codicil to this truism"

Did you get your hands on the Justice Blackmun's thesaurus?

Dave said...

Meg: You don't think I feel Grandpa's disappointment every time I throw anything away?

Todd: It is an occupational hazard that I hear such phrases in my head. Unfortunately, they sometimes leak out to the rest of the world.

Anonymous said...

Dave, you forgot to blog that Sears took 5 days to bring the "next day delivery" new washer. Meanwhile we went to the local laundermat (good thing there is a college in this town!). We took the clothes home wet since we had a working dryer at home. But, as luck would have it, the dryer quit working after drying one of the loads. Grrr. Luckily there was an old retractible clothesline on our porch! It was the week the weather was changing, of course, so we didn't have much sun to help us. Then, when the new washer finally arrived, I still couldn't do laundry until we finally got the motor on the dryer fixed yesterday. It's been feeling like that commercial that shows 6 months of laundry rolling at the person's house. I never thought that I would look forward to doing laundry!