Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Bump, Set, Spike

A couple of hours after the first pitch in Michael's baseball season, Kelly embarked on a new sporting venture: volleyball. In this sports-mad community, volleyball comes in a very close second to soccer in popularity among girls. In a bit of a surprise to us, Kelly agreed to take on the challenge of this new sport, largely because she had the opportunity to try it early in the year at school in P.E.

Although she has never played before, the league only starts at fifth grade, so she had not missed much compared to her peers. She has enough athletic prowess to master the basic skills quickly, even though the instincts of moving on the court and handling unpredictable hits from the other team will take time and experience to develop. She thoroughly enjoys it, and it is fun for us to see her develop skills and experiences in a new sport.

Kelly is in the front left, about to receive a serve (I'll use something with a zoom lens next time):

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