Sunday, April 12, 2009

Where Middle Age Begins

I finally figured out where the boundary line of middle age is. It is the day you host your daughter's 12-year-old birthday party and you realize that you can no longer participate in the party as the ever-present cameraman. You are no longer a benign, unnoticed part of the landscape. You are the Old Guy who is, like, just about to be, like, Totally Creepy Old Guy if you take just one more picture.

I ceded camera duties to Cheryl and took refuge in the TV room for most of the party, I think to the relief of all.


Mom said...

Oh my.............children can be very humbling! Enjoy your TV!!

DAD said...

You're in luck.... here's another criterion: You can't occupy the same "age group" as your parents.

I'M MIDDLE AGED and don't intend to move up to "senior" for awhile yet. Ergo, you can't be middle aged. Simple...