Friday, February 26, 2010

Citius, Altius, Fortius ... Fecundius?

Olympic athletes represent the pinnacle of human physical ability (except, perhaps, for curlers). "Faster, higher, stronger" is an apt phrase for the Olympic motto.

Olympians do not confine their prodigious capabilities to their chosen sporting arenas, apparently. The 7,000 athletes and officials have nearly exhausted their supply of 100,000 complementary condoms. That's 14 condoms per person, gone. In news sure to ease the concerns of all involved, an emergency supply of 8,500 additional prophylactics has been rushed to Vancouver.

This is in Vancouver. A lovely little city on the cozy west coast of prim, polite Canada. What will happen to the world's stock of latex in 2016, when the summer games take place in Rio de Janeiro, whose very name is synonymous with sensual decadence? NBC will have to run its telecasts at night just to guard the morals of our youth. So the International Olympic Committee got its knickers in a twist over a few female Canadian hockey players swigging beer on the ice after they won the gold medal? Committee members had better pack some defibrillators when they head to Rio.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Don't knock the curlers. It's taken until the gold medal round in sudden death for me to get the game, but now that I understand it, it's kinda fun. It feels a bit like bowling an golf. It's a real nail biter.