Friday, February 26, 2010

The Horror

Due to some technical glitch, I was without e-mail or Internet access for six hours yesterday. That was the day, of course, that I also left my iPhone at home for probably the second time in 18 months I have had it. That left me with absolutely no ability to contact or hear from the rest of the world, other than my office telephone.

Please don't take my interwebs away again.

Except for those rare occasions when I will intentionally substitute an ever-present connection to the Internet with overpowering natural beauty (camping in the high Sierras, sipping daiquiris on a South Pacific beach), I'm afraid I am too far gone to be saved. I have been assimilated into the technological web. The temporary inability to look up random facts on a whim, like the altitude of Nepal's capital city or Sandy Koufax's winning percentage (Kathmandu, 4,600 feet - surprisingly low - and .655 - highest in history, respectively) left me with the shakes and clammy hands.

As that noted blogger, Scarlett O'Hara, tweeted, "As God is my witness, I'm going to live through this and when it's all over, I'll never be offline again. No, nor any of my folk. If I have to lie, steal, cheat or kill. As God is my witness, I'll never be offline again!"

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