Friday, June 10, 2005

Things You Learn By Checking the Referral Logs

Every week I get a report about traffic to this site. Hi, Andy! Thanks for checking in!

Just as interesting as knowing that your friends and family drop by every now and then (only to click away in frustration because there's nothing new to read, again), are the random searches that sweep this site up for one reason or another. Most of the referral sites are merely search engines that register a visit time of zero seconds. Every once in a while, though, someone actually clicks through to read a post. For instance, someone from Greece apparently paid a lengthy visit to read something I wrote about Kimi Raikkonen (there's your key to increasing blog readership, fellow bloggers: write about Formula One or the World Cup). To my new Greek pal: thanks for coming! Drop a note next time to say hi.

I also found out that I am on the blogroll of someone I had somehow forgotten had a blog: my sister, Megan. In the time-honored tradition of bloggers everywhere, because she gave me a permalink, she gets a permalink (over there on the left). I actually like that MSN blog thing, because it allows the posting of pictures, which I can't do here.

Well, actually, I could if I paid a monthly fee, but I'm too cheap for that. You'll have to make do with the pictures my words create.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Boys, boys. You're all just so ... special! How can one goose choose between her goslings?

The problem, I think, is that only about 60% of the visits to the site are identified by source website. You may be checking in from a source that, for whatever reason, is not identified by the program. When I start seeing visits from a certain academic domain soon, then I'll know. And you will get the shout out you deserve.